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Nervous Patients

Nervous teen at the dentist

At Aesthetique Dental, we get that going to the dentist can make some people feel uneasy. We’re here to make your visit as relaxed and worry-free as possible, with a friendly team that makes you feel supported and comfortable. We’re the go-to place for anyone who’s felt nervous about dental visits, offering a caring experience that puts your mind at ease.

Nervous about the dentist? We’re here to help

Feeling nervous or scared about dental appointments is actually quite common, affecting about one in four people. This fear ranges from mild nervousness to severe phobia, with some experiencing symptoms like dizziness or shaking at the thought of a visit.

If the thought of a dental appointment makes you nervous, we can help. At Aesthetique Dental, we’re familiar with these feelings, treating hundreds of people like you. We’re dedicated to helping you overcome your dental anxieties, ensuring you can receive the dental care you deserve comfortably and without fear.

Why do I have a fear of the dentist?

There’s no definitive reason why you might have a fear of the dentist. Sometimes it will happen gradually, or sometimes is the result of one very bad experience. Some patients who haven’t visited a dentist for many years may remember a particularly bad visit from childhood.

A phobia can be a real problem for someone who requires urgent dental treatment. They will do anything to avoid a visit to the dentist and may be in considerable pain or unable to eat as a result.

If this is something you can relate to, you can count on us to help. Reach out today for your free consultation.

How can Aesthetique help you overcome your fear of the dentist?

With us, you will find a supportive, patient and calming environment. We will never pressure you into quick decisions and will always give you the space you need to get through the appointment comfortably.

Don’t let fear keep you from a pain-free life. Overcoming dental anxiety means shorter, more comfortable visits and greatly reduces the need for complex treatments later on. Regular check-ups become straightforward, making sure your dental health is always at its best.

We have years of experience in helping nervous patients just like you. Let us know what you need to feel comfortable, and we will make sure that happens. If you like, you can even visit our clinic to look around before your appointment to help you feel at ease.

Please don’t feel self-conscious or embarrassed about your teeth – we really have seen it all. Just tell us how we can help you, and that is what we will do. We see a variety of patients on a daily basis, so we understand that everyone has different needs. We are here to support you.

We can provide stress balls for you to squeeze and a selection of music on Spotify, if this would help. Alternatively, one of our friendly nurses will happily hold your hand throughout treatment if it makes you feel calmer. If, at any point, you’d like us to stop treatment, simply raise your hand. It is likely your check-up will be over before you realise it.

Let Aesthetique Dental Care help with your dental nerves

Feeling nervous about the dentist shouldn’t stop you from having a healthy smile. At Aesthetique Dental, we’re here to listen, understand, and support you every step of the way. Reach out to our caring experts, who specialise in easing dental anxieties. Let’s make your next dental visit a positive experience together.

Visiting the practice

Aesthetique Dental Care 21 Wharf Street, The Calls Leeds West Yorkshire LS2 7EQ

We’re in the heart of Leeds - accessed by bus and train and have convenient on street parking.

08:30 - 19:00
Tue - Fri:
08:30 - 17:00
By Appointment Only
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