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Turkey Teeth – Is It Worth The Risk?

Turkey teeth
18 January 2024

Dazzling smiles on a budget, also known as the Turkey Teeth trend, has become more and more popular over recent years. Cheap, transformative dental work in Turkey sounds tempting, but is it really a golden gateway to Hollywood smiles, or a potential minefield for dental disasters?

We understand the appeal of dental tourism – a perfect smile is a big confidence booster. But, before you book your flight, you need to know the full picture of potential risks. We’ll be your no-nonsense guide, offering all the information you need to make a decision that benefits both your smile and your health.

Let’s get into it.

Why Do People Go To Turkey For Dental Veneers?

Compared to Western prices, dental treatments in Turkey can be a fraction of the cost, making everything from teeth whitening and dental crowns to full veneer transformations shockingly affordable.

But the savings don’t stop at veneers. From corrective work like root canal treatment to replacing worn veneers and even cosmetic options like dental implants, Turkey offers a wide range of dental care procedures, often at significantly lower prices.

However, before packing your passport, remember: “affordable” shouldn’t compromise quality. Choosing clinics with a strong reputation for using high-quality materials and employing skilled professionals is key to avoiding potential complications and ensuring your new smile shines brightly, not fades with regret.

What Are The Risks Of Getting Turkey Teeth?

Before diving headfirst into the Turkey Teeth Trend, let’s shine a light on the sometimes harsh reality of getting a veneer treatment abroad.

Cheap or Low-Quality Materials

One major concern is the use of cheap or low-quality materials. While skilled dentists do exist abroad, the temptation to cut costs can lead to veneers and crowns made with subpar materials that compromise your oral health.

These low-grade materials have a higher risk of cracking, chipping, and even failing, potentially causing painful infections and long-term complications. Worse, the initial “savings” you thought you scored can quickly vanish when faced with the extreme costs of fixing or replacing these shoddy restorations later.

Limited Options For Repair Or Refund

“Turkey Teeth” often come with limited options for compensation if things go wrong. Unlike Western clinics, getting refunds or compensation can be near impossible. Rushed procedures with minimal recovery time leave little room for adjustments or fixes, and seeking help back home presents its own challenges.

UK-based dentists may struggle to assess and work with materials used abroad, making it difficult to fix botched work or develop a comprehensive recovery plan. Remember, a bargain smile can quickly turn into a costly and painful nightmare if you aren’t careful.

Unregulated Clinics

It’s easy to be lured in by promises of affordability without realising you’re stepping into an unregulated facility lacking proper oversight and safety standards. These unregulated clinics put patient health and safety at risk, with potential consequences ranging from poor hygiene and sterilisation practices leading to infections, to improperly performed procedures causing nerve damage or even irreversible dental problems.

Language Barriers

Language barriers amplify the risks, adding another layer of confusion to an already uncertain situation. Understanding the full scope of your treatment, post-operative care, and potential complications can become increasingly tricky.

Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings about risks, expectations, and even consent. Without fluent communication between you and your dental professionals, the entire process becomes clouded with apprehension and the potential for serious repercussions.

Get Your Dream Smile With Aesthetique Dental

Whether you’re feeling conscious of crooked teeth and considering your options, or have already decided dental veneers are the right option for you, there’s no better place to turn to than Aesthetique Dental.

Dental surgery is no small decision, so it’s important you choose a specialist that can offer you the highest quality of care. That’s where we come in – we know that your teeth are a big player in your confidence. At Aesthetique Dental, our fully qualified dentists specialise in dental veneers and smile makeovers.

We offer you everything from a full treatment plan to the skilled follow-up care you deserve – all with a high quality of care at competitive prices. Get in touch with our team today for a consultation.

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