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Wisdom Teeth: Unravelling the Mysteries Behind Your “Third Molars”

Removed wisdom teeth
28 July 2023

Wisdom teeth, these mysterious molars often make an appearance during late adolescence or early adulthood, leaving many people curious and sometimes concerned about their role in oral health. In this blog, we’ll delve into what wisdom teeth are, when they typically appear, common problems associated with them, and what to expect if you need to have them removed. We’ll also provide some valuable advice for aftercare following wisdom tooth extraction.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars located at the back of your mouth. Most adults have four wisdom teeth—two on the top and two on the bottom. These teeth typically emerge during the late teenage years or early twenties, a phase in life often associated with newfound maturity and wisdom, hence the name.

When Do Wisdom Teeth Appear?

Wisdom teeth usually start to emerge between the ages of 16 and your twenties, but this can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience no issues at all when their wisdom teeth come in, while others may encounter various challenges.

Wisdom teeth Problems Associated with Wisdom Teeth

The late appearance of wisdom teeth can lead to various dental problems due to a lack of sufficient space in the mouth to accommodate these extra molars. Some common issues associated with wisdom teeth include:

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: When there isn’t enough room for the teeth to grow normally, they may become partially or fully trapped beneath the gum line, leading to impacted wisdom teeth.

Crowding: Wisdom teeth may cause crowding of the existing teeth, leading to misalignment and potential orthodontic issues.

Infections and Gum Disease: Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create a small opening in the gums, making them susceptible to bacterial infection and gum disease.

Tooth Decay: Due to their location at the back of the mouth, wisdom teeth can be challenging to clean properly, increasing the risk of tooth decay and cavities.

Woman smiling holding a tooth

Wisdom Tooth Removal

If your dentist identifies potential issues with your wisdom teeth or if you experience pain and discomfort, they may recommend their removal. Wisdom tooth extraction is a common dental procedure performed under local or general anaesthesia, ensuring you feel little to no pain during the process.

Here at Aesthetique Dental Care we have vast experience in wisdom teeth removal in Leeds, and you are in safe hands. If you feel like you have an issue with your wisdom teeth, get in touch with us asap, and we can help.

The first step will be for you to have a consultation with s where we can examine your mouth. X-rays will betaken to determine the position of the wisdom teeth, their condition and to check the status of the adjacent teeth and bone.

During the extraction, we will carefully remove the wisdom teeth from the jawbone and gum tissue. The complexity of the extraction can vary depending on the tooth’s position and whether it’s impacted or not.

Man sleeping in bed

Aftercare Following Wisdom Tooth Removal

After the extraction, it’s essential to follow our post-operative instructions carefully to promote healing and prevent complications. Here are some general aftercare tips:

Take Rest: Allow yourself ample time to rest and recover after the procedure.

Control Bleeding: Gently bite down on a gauze pad placed over the extraction site to control bleeding. Change the gauze as needed.

Pain Management: Take any prescribed pain medications as directed to manage discomfort.

Swelling: Apply an ice pack to the outside of your cheek to reduce swelling in the initial 24 hours.

Oral Hygiene: Be gentle while brushing and flossing, avoiding the extraction site. After the first 24 hours, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater several times a day to keep the area clean.

Dietary Restrictions: Stick to soft foods and avoid hot, spicy, or hard-to-chew items for a few days.

Avoid Smoking and Straws: Refrain from smoking and using straws, as they can dislodge blood clots and impede the healing process.

Attend Follow-up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and address any concerns.

Wisdom teeth can be intriguing yet troublesome molars that require careful attention. Understanding their role and potential problems can help you make informed decisions about their removal. Should you need wisdom tooth extraction, follow the aftercare advice diligently to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. Remember, regular dental check-ups and consultations with your dentist can help monitor the development of your wisdom teeth and address any concerns promptly, ensuring a healthier and happier smile for years to come.

If you are concerned about your wisdom teeth or would just like some advice, please contact our friendly team today on 0113 245 8066.

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